Leading as One

CDW takes a consultative approach to technology. By working with Defence organisations and building strategic partnerships with leading technology providers, we unite fragmented IT systems and operations into a cohesive force. Together, we foster collaboration between teams across with a single technology backbone to support integration, platform interoperability and operational speed.

  • Improved coordination and communication for effective joint operations. 
  • Streamlined operations through a single technology backbone. 
  • Enhanced collaboration between systems and technologies. 
  • A strengthened Defence ecosystem with an integrated and efficient infrastructure. 

Critical Decisions at Speed

In the Defence sector, where every second counts, CDW enables precise decision-making and rapid communication. Our solutions provide access to real-time data and analytics tools that empower leaders to act swiftly and decisively, helping teams and organisations counter evolving threats swiftly and effectively. 

  • Improved communication and coordination across Defence. 
  • Seamless information sharing for better decision-making. 
  • Data enabled rapid response to critical situations. 
  • Agility in adjusting strategies to counter evolving threats. 
  • Enhanced situational awareness for effective response. 

Empowering the People Who Make the Difference

The Defence sector grows in strength when talented people work as one, and are empowered, skilled and agile in the way they use technology. 

CDW’s experts will be on the ground with your teams, providing extensive training and development programs to ensure your people can maximise the full value of the solutions they use and stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of Defence technology. 

  • Optimised resource utilisation for enhanced defence capabilities. 
  • Improved efficiency in technology investments. 
  • Access to leading-edge skills and empowered digital functions. 
  • Continuous upskilling and knowledge to fill critical gaps. 

A Landscape Built on Security

CDW offers a secure supply chain end-to-end across Defence technologies, safeguarding sensitive data from cyber threatsrisks. Our commitment to compliance and dynamic risk management ensures resilient systems in an increasingly complex security landscape, aligning with Defence sector needs for secure operations and trusted technology partners.

  • Mitigation of cyber risks with a secure supply chain. 
  • Adherence to stringent compliance standards and regulations. 
  • CDW is a trusted and proven global technology delivery partner. 
  • Resilient defence systems with intelligence-led risk management. 

A Proactive Approach to Threat

Stay ahead of emerging threats with CDW's agile and responsive approach to Defence technology. By leveraging advanced analytics and threat intelligence, organisations can anticipate and avoid risks before they escalate, ensuring mission success and operational safety. 

  • Agility and responsiveness to address fast-paced defence scenarios. 
  • Proactive mitigation of security vulnerabilities. 
  • Minimisation of security incidents and operational disruptions. 
  • Strengthened operational resilience through proactive risk management. 

Evolve at the Pace of Technology

Harnessing data as a strategic asset, CDW delivers transformative digital capabilities across the Defence space, integrating AI and other technologies for sustainable advantage. We commit to staying ahead of the curve, embracing emerging technology and maintaining the highest accreditations to maximise the value of ground-breaking solutions alongside current systems.

  • Unlock insights and innovation by treating data as a strategic asset. 
  • Enhance operational effectiveness with AI and advanced technologies. 
  • Ensure technology solutions meet your needs reliably and cost-effectively. 

CDW and Intel: United to Deliver Defence Technology

Intel is unanimous with powering secure, innovative technology solutions across global Defence. With Intel's software prowess and secure supply chain combined with CDW's technology expertise within the sector, we empower Defence organisations with unparalleled security, resilience and transformative capabilities to achieve mission-critical success. 

CDW and Intel

  • Unparalled security

    Unparalleled security throughout the Defence supply chain.

  • State-of-the-art technology solutions

    State-of-the-art technology solutions tailored to an organisation’s specific requirements.

  • Resilience

    Resilience through the deployment of Intel-powered systems, supported by CDW's scalable infrastructure solutions.

  • Maximise operational efficiencies

    Maximise operational efficiency and resource utilisation.

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